Recently, diamond experts,, conducted a survey on what exactly spurs men on to propose, and you won’t believe the results! Husband-to-be: you might want to steer clear.
More than half of grooms propose as a result of hints from their girlfriend. You might have thought your hints had gone unnoticed, but 55% of grooms react to the opened magazines or red-circle marks on Tiffany adverts, in a way that makes them pop the question. And that’s not it…
Don’t worry, it’s not only your incessant hints that’s doing it. Just under a third, at 30%, ask the words ‘will you marry me’ from parental pressure, coming from their own parents or the bride-to-be’s.
The most popular location to propose is at a beauty spot or during a walk in the countryside – chosen by 27% of grooms. Next up for 20% of grooms is the foreign city option, like Paris or London – 6% propose at a famous landmark like the London Eye! That’s followed by a cosy, at-home, on-the-sofa proposal at 15%, on a summer holiday at 11%. And 7% of grooms propose in bed!
Old traditions are not dying out. Seven out of ten grooms still go down on bent knee when proposing and almost two-thirds of men ask the girlfriend’s father’s permission for her hand in marriage before going ahead with the proposal. But 43% pop the question spontaneously.
While the vast majority of grooms (86%) proposed when they intended to, a further 12% bottled it at least once before finally plucking up the courage to ask! Good news though: 93% of women said ‘yes’ to their first proposal!
67% of grooms purchase the diamond engagement ring before proposing, with 87% saying the bride was very happy with their selection and had no desire to change it – well done grooms we say!
Proposing is your groom’s first step with the wedding and marriage, but what about the rest? Make sure your h2b knows his groomly duties during your wedding planning process!
The post What ACTUALLY made your husband-to-be propose… appeared first on Wedding Ideas.